Practice Development Program

Practice Development Program
The Practice Development Program™ is based on our 18 years of experience working with hundreds of audiologists and hearing aid dispensers around the country. 

We’ve collected dozens of tips, tools and techniques from private practices, hospital speech and hearing centers, and ENT offices. Please watch the video for more information about this program. 

The Practice Development Program™ shows you step-by-step how to implement use these tools and techniques, including:
  • How to double battery sales

  • How to double the number of annual check-up visits

  • The 4 keys to increasing patient referrals

  • Marketing to your local physicians for $1 per contact

  • Conducting patient satisfaction surveys, including the survey itself

  • Conducting a self-assessment audit of your follow-up services.

We also provide you with a collection of the most valuable articles on marketing in the hearing healthcare field, from publications such as Hearing Review, Advance, Senior Marketing and Hearing Journal.

The Practice Development Program™ uses our customized patient newsletter, Hearing HealthCare News®, as the foundation around which you can:
  • Increase patient satisfaction

  • Increase patient retention

  • Generate more repeat business

  • Generate more patient referrals

Hearing HealthCare News® was founded and is edited by Dennis Hampton, Ph.D., an audiologist who’s been in private practice since 1976. Subscribers have distributed more than 20 million copies of the newsletter to their patients, and more than 90% of our subscribers continue year after year. That’s because we work with each subscriber to make sure that the newsletter makes money for your practice at the same time that it helps your patients do better with their hearing loss.
The Program includes our 150-page manual with the strategies, tips and marketing information you can implement over the coming months. We want to prove to you that a good patient care program doesn’t cost money, it makes money. Our subscribers have reported returns of $18 for each $1 spent on the program. That may sound incredible, but in fact the typical audiology practice simply does not take advantage of its greatest asset their own patients. We can show you how to reach them easily, effectively, and at very little cost. It’s easy to do.
Click here to see a slide presentation of the Program.
The cost of the program includes a customized, 2-color patient newsletter delivered to you four times a year. Cost depends on the number of patients you have. A practice with 1000 patients will spend about $2.50 per patient per year, excluding postage. Most practices recover that cost simply by the increased battery sales we generate. A single hearing aid fitting will cover most of that cost.
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